We Are Europe's Research Center Translating Data into Solutions for a Better World

About Us

Complexity Science Hub – independent science for a better understanding of our complex world.

We are addressing some of society’s biggest challenges by extracting meaning from the enormous amounts of data representing our planet in its various dimensions: the economy, human migration, health and disease, climate crisis, social values, urban development, conflict, and more.

Our research approach lets us see the world in a new way – as interconnected, dynamic, co-evolving, extensive networks – that allows us to understand these complex systems and identify their weaknesses and strengths. Using this knowledge, we can make evidence-based statements about how complex systems will respond to change and propose realistic interventions to move them in a positive direction for society. In other words, we want to find solutions for a better world.

Member Institutions
Research Topics


Digital Innovation School

CSH Goes School

CSH team photo © Sebastian Philipp


Meet Our People

Position 0
Resident Scientists
External Faculty
Associate Faculty
Science Advisory Board
Strategic Advisory Board
Former Researcher
Research Fields 0
Crime in the Digital Age
Financial Technologies
Supply Chain Science
Data Analytics
Urban Sustainability
Collective Minds
Human Migration
Social Complexity & Collapse
Health Across Species
Healthcare and Medicine
Algorithmic Fairness
Science of the New
Transforming Economies
AI & Machine Learning

Nadia Abou Nabout

Svetlana Abramova, resident scientist at the Complexity Science Hub © Anja Böck

Svetlana Abramova

Ola Ali, PhD Candidate at the Complexity Science Hub

Ola Ali

Floor Alkemade

Floor Alkemade

Teresa Almendros

Bertil Andersson

Bertil Andersson

Medina Andresel (c) Johannes Zinner

Medina Andresel

Hannes Androsch

Mathias Angermaier, PhD Candidate at the Complexity Science Hub © Robert Supnig

Mathias Angermaier

Amin Anjomshoaa

Axel A. Araneda @ private, presents at the Econophysics Colloquium at the Complexity Science Hub

Axel A. Araneda

Alex Arenas

W. Brian Arthur

Pablo A. Astudillo Estévez

Régnier Avice

Brigitte Bach

Jan Bachmann, PhD Candidate at the Complexity Science Hub

Jan Bachmann

Harald Badinger

Silvia Bartolucci

Tobias Batik, Complexity Science Hub

Tobias Batik

Stefano Battiston

Michael Batty

Armando Bazzani

Emanuele Bazzichi @ private, at Complexity Science Hub

Emanuele Bazzichi

Max Bechthold

Thomas Bednar

Majid Benam, researcher at the Complexity Science Hub © private

Majid Benam

James Bennett (c) Kevin Chekov Feeney, member of the External Faculty

James Bennett

Luis Bettencourt

Matteo Biagetti

Sergio Bianchi @ private, presents at Econophysics Colloquium 2024 at Complexity Science Hub

Sergio Bianchi

Tamás Biró

Horst Bischof

Stefano Boccaletti, member of External Faculty

Stefano Boccaletti

Anja Böck, Head of Communications at the Complexity Science Hub © private

Anja Böck

Josefine Bohr Brask

Tim Booker, PhD Candidate at the Complexity Science Hub

Tim Booker

Stefan Bornholdt

Andras Borsos © Verena Ahne

András Borsos

Jean-Baptiste Bouchaud

Jean-Philippe Bouchaud

Stephanie Bourke-Altmann

Joseph Bradley @ private, speaker at Econophysics Colloquium 2024 at Complexity Science Hub

Joseph Bradley

Alexandra Brintrup

Dirk Brockmann, (c) private, member of the External Faculty

Dirk Brockmann

Xavier Brouty @ private, presents at the Econophysics Colloquium at the Complexity Science Hub

Xavier Brouty

William Burton

Fabio Caccioli @ private, speaker at Econophysics Colloquium 2024 at Complexity Science Hub

Fabio Caccioli

Elisa Calò

Mauritz Cartier van Dissel

Pasquale Casaburi @ private, presents at the Econophysics Colloquium at the Complexity Science Hub

Pasquale Casaburi

Miguel Centeno

Christian Chacua

Abhijit Chakraborty

Ed Chalstrey

Jiaying Chen

Siew-Ann Cheong, External Faculty at the Complexity Science Hub © private

Siew Ann Cheong

Thomas Choi

Nicholas A. Christakis © Evan Mann, speaks at Complexity Science Hub

Nicholas A. Christakis

Pavel Chvykov @ private, presents at Econophysics Colloquium 2024 at Complexity Science Hub

Pavel Chvykov

Giulio Cimini @private, speaks at the Econophysics Colloquium at the Complexity Science Hub

Giulio Cimini

Nicola Cinardi

Beate Conrady

Bernat Corominas-Murtra

Álvaro Corral

Carrie Cowan, head of the Digital Innovation School at the Complexity Science Hub

Carrie Cowan

Jesús Crespo Cuaresma

Raissa D'Souza

Timo Damm

Simone Daniotti, PhD Candidate at the Complexity Science Hub © Verena Ahne

Simone Daniotti

Giordano De Marzo

Silvia De Monte

Simon DeDeo

portrait of Javier

Javier Del Águila Mejía

Maria del Rio-Chanona

Airton Deppman @ private, Complexity Science Hub

Airton Deppman

Elma Dervic © Verena Ahne

Elma Dervic

Amelie Desvars-Larrive, Faculty Member at the Complexity Science Hub © Verena Ahne

Amélie Desvars-Larrive

Mitja Devetak, PhD Candidate at the Complexity Science Hub @ Anja Böck

Mitja Devetak

Tiziana Di Matteo @private, member of the External Faculty of the Complexity Science Hub

Tiziana Di Matteo

Anna Di Natale

Ulf Dieckmann

Christian Diem, Associate Faculty at the Complexity Science Hub

Christian Diem

Dario Diodato

Otto Doblhoff-Dier

Sean S. Downey

Schahram Dustdar

Joel Dyer

Jan Eißfeldt

Julia Emmerling has been office manager at the Complexity Science Hub since February 2024.

Julia Emmerling

Rahim Entezari © Verena Ahne

Rahim Entezari

Joshua M Epstein, CSH Associate Faculty

Joshua M. Epstein

Lisette Espin-Noboa, researcher at the Complexity Science Hub (c) Bimal Viswanath

Lisette Espín-Noboa

Sarah Etter

James Evans

J. Doyne Farmer

Xiangnan Feng, researcher at the Complexity Science Hub © private

Xiangnan Feng

Javier D. Fernández

Márcia R. Ferreira

Sandro Ferreira Sousa

Massimiliano Fessina

Jan Fialkowski, PhD Candidate at the Complexity Science Hub © private

Jan Fialkowski

Erwin Flores Tames

Luciano Floridi

Stephanie Forrest

Pieter Francois

Koen Frenken

Steffen Fritz

Michaela Fritz

Johannes Fröhlich

Mirta Galesic, faculty member at the Complexity Science Hub

Mirta Galesic

Mauro Gallegati, Complexity Science Hub @private

Mauro Gallegati

David Garcia

Diego Garlaschelli @ IMT Lucca, Italy, member of the External Faculty at the Complexity Science Hub

Diego Garlaschelli

Sergey Gavrilets

Joana Goncalves-Sà

Barbara Grassauer, personal assistant to Helga Nowotny at the Complexity Science Hub

Barbara Grassauer

Jacopo Grilli

Radu Grosu

Luke Guerdan

Emine Güldüroglu

Seungwoong Ha

Allan Hanbury

Rudolf Hanel

Aniko Hannak

Matté Hartog

Bernhard Haslhofer, faculty member at the Complexity Science Hub © Anja Böck

Bernhard Haslhofer

Nina Haug

Jakob Hauser, researcher at the Complexity Science Hub

Jakob Hauser

Shlomo Havlin

Georg Heiler © Stephanie Bourke Altmann.jpg

Georg Heiler

Dirk Helbing

Vera Hemmelmayr

Yessica Herrera-Guzman

Urs Hirschberg

Markus Hofer, PhD Candidate at the Complexity Science Hub

Markus Hofer

John Hogan

Yurij Holovatch

Leonhard Horstmeyer

Daniel Hoyer (c) private

Daniel Hoyer

Jan Hurt, PhD Candidate at the Complexity Science Hub © Verena Ahne

Jan Hurt

Leonardo Niccolò Ialongo joined the Complexity Science Hub in March 2024 © private

Leonardo Niccolò Ialongo

Hiroyasu Inoue @ private, speaker at Econophysics Colloquium 2024 at Complexity Science Hub

Hiroyasu Inoue

Atushi Ishikawa @ private, presents at Econophysics Colloquium 2024 at Complexity Science Hub

Atushi Ishikawa

Johannes Jäger

Carlo Jäger

Karol Jałochowski

Axel Jantsch

Ana María Jaramillo, PostDoc at CSH

Ana María Jaramillo

Henrik Jensen

Petr Jizba

Sonja Jöchtl

Sandor Juhasz, researcher at the Complexity Science Hub © Verena Ahne

Sándor Juhász

Pavel Kabat

Harald Kainz

Michaela Kaleta

Carsten Källner, PhD Candidate at the Complexity Science Hub © private

Carsten Källner

Kiyoshi Kanazawa @ private, gives a talk at the Complexity Science Hub at the Econophysics Colloquium 2024

Kiyoshi Kanazawa

Rintaro Karashima @ private, presents at Econophysics Colloquium 2024 at Complexity Science Hub

Rintaro Karashima

Fariba Karimi, Faculty Member at the Complexity Science Hub © Matthias Raddant

Fariba Karimi

Kimmo Kaski @Aalto University, Since 2017 External Faculty of the Complexity Science Hub

Kimmo Kaski

Stuart Kauffman

Amelie Kaupa joined the Complexity Science Hub as a Research Assistant.

Amelie Kaupa

Chris Kempes

Chris Kempes

Christopher Kempes, External Faculty at the Complexity Science Hub © Kate Joyce, Santa Fe Institute

Christopher P. Kempes

Janos Kertesz @ private, member of External Faculty at the Complexity Science Hub

János Kertész

Ross King

Stefan Kitzler, PhD Candidate at the Complexity Science Hub © private

Stefan Kitzler

Peter Klimek, Faculty member at the Complexity Science Hub

Peter Klimek

Christian Kluge

Wolfgang Knecht

Max Sina Knicker

Wolfgang Knoll

Imre Kondor

Daniel Kondor © Alan NG photography

Dániel Kondor

Reinhard König

Jan Korbel

Anton Korinek, researcher at the Complexity Science Hub © Anja Böck

Anton Korinek

Seyda Köse joined the Complexity Science Hub in March 2024 © private

Seyda Köse

David Krakauer

Hana Krakovska, PhD Candidate at the Complexity Science Hub © Verena Ahne

Hana Krakovská

Sebastian Krawczyk, PhD candidate at the Complexity Science Hub © Justyna Pawelska

Sebastian Krawczyk

Frauke Kreuter

Gernot Kubin

Andreas Kugi, Board Member of the Complexity Science Hub © AIT J. Zinner

Andreas Kugi

Christian Kühn

Reimer Kühn

Niraj Kushwaha, PhD Candidate at the Complexity Science Hub © Verena Ahnes

Niraj Kushwaha

Moritz Laber, Complexity Science Hub © private

Moritz Laber

François Lafond

Saadi Lahlou

Renaud Lambiotte

Georg Langs

J. Stephen Lansing

portrait of Jana Lasser

Jana Lasser

Vito Latora

Manfred Laubichler

Victor Le Coz @ private, presents at the Econophysics Colloquium 2024 at the Complexity Science Hub

Victor Le Coz

Katharina Ledebur, PhD Candidate at the Complexity Science Hub

Katharina Ledebur

Eddie Lee, researcher at the Complexity Science Hub

Eddie Lee

Simon Levin

Fabrizio Lillo

Simon Lindner, PhD Candidate at the Complexity Science Hub © Verena Ahne

Simon D. Lindner

Stefanie Lindstaedt

Ruggiero Lo Sardo

Sarah Loos

Vittorio Loreto, External Faculty member at the Complexity Science Hub

Vittorio Loreto

Harald Ludwig, Data & Software Engineer at the Complexity Science Hub

Harald Michael Ludwig

Jula Lühring, PhD candidate at the Complexity Science Hub © CSH

Jula Lühring

Evaldo Curado © private

Evaldo M. F. Curado

Yoshiharu Maeno

Yoshiharu Maeno

Christos A. Makridis

Rosario Mantegna

Marsili Matteo (c) private

Matteo Marsili

Samuel Martin Gutierrez, researcher at the Complexity Science Hub © Verena Ahne

Samuel Martin-Gutierrez

Philipp Marxgut

Rossana Mastrandrea

Rossana Mastrandrea

Caspar Matzhold

James McNerney (@) Margot Hurley, since January 2022 a member of the External Faculty of the Complexity Science Hub

James McNerney

Daniela Meier, Executive Grant Officer at the Complexity Science Hub

Daniela Meier

Jörg Menche

José F. Mendes, member of the External Faculty

José Fernando Mendes

Isaak Mengesha @ private, presents at the Econophysics Colloquium at the Complexity Science Hub

Isaak Mengesha

Sara Merino-Aceituno

Hannah Metzler, researcher at the Complexity Science Hub © Verena Ahne

Hannah Metzler

Hildegard Meyer-Ortmanns

Claudia Meza-Cuadra, talk at the Complexity Science Hub

Claudia Meza-Cuadra

Michael Miess

Silvia Miksch

Riccardo Milocco @ private, presents at Econophysics Colloquium 2024 at Complexity Science Hub

Riccardo Milocco

Miroslav Mirchev, researcher ate the Complexity Science Hub

Miroslav Mirchev

Helen Miton

Helena Miton

Takayuki Mizuno @ private, speaker at the Complexity Science Hub at the Econophysics Colloquium 2024

Takayuki Mizuno

Carlos Molinero

Andrea Monaco @ private, presents at Econophysics Colloquium 2024 at Complexity Science Hub

Andrea Monaco

José Moran

Yamir Moreno

Markus Müller

Andrea Musso

Eliza Muto, Public Relations Officer © Verena Ahne

Eliza Muto

Ljubica Nedelkoska, faculty member at the Complexity Science Hub © Verena Ahne

Ljubica Nedelkoska

Frank Neffke, faculty member at the Complexity Science Hub © private

Frank Neffke

Stefan Neumann, talk at the Complexity Science Hub © Fredrik Persson

Stefan Neumann

Thomas Niederkrotenthaler

Helga Nowotny

Michael Obersteiner

Christian Obinger @ Foto Wilke, Board member Complexity Science Hub

Christian Obinger

Victor Vikram Odouard

Henrik Olsson, faculty member at the Complexity Science Hub

Henrik Olsson

Ernesto Ortega Díaz, researcher at the Complexity Science Hub © private

Ernesto Ortega Díaz

Mariia Ostapiv

Robert Page

Deb Panja @ private, speaker at the Econophysics Colloquium, Complexity Science Hub

Deb Panja

Franz Papst © Verena Ahne

Franz Papst

Masarah_Paquet_Clouston_Image_cropped free access

Masarah Paquet-Clouston

Mihaela Pavličev

Tiago de Paula Peixoto @ private, speaker at the Econophysics Colloquium, Complexity Science Hub

Tiago de Paula Peixoto

Max Pellert

Matjaz Perc

Ruth Pfeiffer

Tuan Minh Pham

Stefan Pichler

Anton Pichler

Luciano Pietronero @ Verena Ahne, External Faculty of the Complexity Science Hub

Luciano Pietronero

Petra Pinzler

Alessandro Pluchino @ private, speaker at the Econophysics Colloquium 2024 at the Complexity Science Hub

Alessandro Pluchino

Thomas Pock

Sebastian Poledna

Axel Polleres

Viola Priesemann

Guillermo Prieto Viertel joined the Complexity Science Hub in September 2024 as a PhD Candidate

Guillermo Prieto Viertel

Rafael Prieto-Curiel, faculty member at the Complexity Science Hub © Anja Böck

Rafael Prieto-Curiel

Sonja Prohaska

Eric Protzer

Gavrila Amadea Puspitarani, PhD Candidate at the Complexity Science Hub © Verena Ahne

Gavrila A. Puspitarani

Matthias Raddant © Verena Ahne

Matthias Raddant

Riccardo Rao

Second IG-Nobel Prize for Andrea Rapisarda, CSH External Faculty

Andrea Rapisarda

Jenny Reddish © Verena Ahne

Jenny Reddish

Tobias Reisch © Verena Ahne

Tobias Reisch

Niklas Reisz © Verena Ahne

Niklas Reisz

Andrew Ringsmuth

Luigi Riso @ private, speaker at Econophysics Colloquium 2024 at Complexity Science Hub

Luigi Riso


Pawel Romanczuk

Kay Römer

Hilton Root

Elena Rovenskaya

Diego Rybski

Pietro Saggese © Verena Ahne

Pietro Saggese

Sina Sajjadi, PhD Candidate at the Complexity Science Hub © Verena Ahne

Sina Sajjadi

Maxi San Miguel

Henrique Santos Lima

Susanna Saroyan

Olga Saukh

Van Savage

Eva Schernhammer

Anatoly Schmidt @ private, speaker at Econophysics Colloquium 2024 at Complexity Science Hub

Anatoly Schmidt

Gerhard Schmitt

Hannah Scholl, event manager at the Complexity Science Hub

Hannah Scholl

Willliam Schueller © Verena Ahne

William Schueller

Konstantin Schumacher joined the Complexity Science Hub as a Research Assistant.

Konstantin Schumacher

Hannah Schuster, PhD Candidate at the Complexity Science Hub © Sebastian Topfer

Hannah Schuster

Christiane Schwaiger, Executive Affairs Manager at the Complexity Science Hub (c) Elisabeth Mandl

Christiane Schwaiger

Simon Schweighofer

Frank Schweitzer

Sabine Seidler

Indira Sen

Melody Sepahpour-Fard

M. Ángeles Serrano

Vito D. P. Servedio

Snehal Shekatkar © private

Snehal Shekatkar

Apeksha Shetty, PhD Candidate at the Complexity Science Hub © Gulden Timur

Apeksha Shetty

Judit Simon

Roberta Sinatra

Peter M. A. Sloot

Ricard Solé

Vibeke Sorensen

Johannes Sorger

Didier Sornette

Johannes Stangl, PhD Candidate at the Complexity Science Hub

Johannes Stangl

Gerald Steiner

Philipp Alexander Steininger joined the Complexity Science Hub as a Research Assistant.

Philipp Alexander Steininger

Alexander Stewart

Laura Stöger

Vitktor Stojkovski

Markus Strauss

Mark Strembeck

Luca Strobl @ private, joined the Complexity Science Hub in May 2024 as a system administrator.

Luca Strobl

Markus Strohmaier

Rainer Stütz © Verena Ahne

Rainer Stütz

Masuma Sultani joined the Complexity Science Hub as a Research Assistant.

Masuma Sultani

Martin Summer @OENB, speaker at the Econophysics Colloquium 2024 at the Complexity Science Hub

Martin Summer

Giulio Superti-Furga

Kavita Surana

Michael Szell

Zlata Tabachova, PhD Candidate at the Complexity Science Hub © Centrum Skoda-Heller

Zlata Tabachová

Bosiljka Tadic

Huda Takriti

Alfred Taudes

Tobias Thomas

Stefan Thurner @ Franziska Liehl, President of the Complexity Science Hub

Stefan Thurner

Jessika Trancik

Jessika Trancik

Francesca Tria

Constantino Tsallis, External Faculty at the Complexity Science Hub, celebrates his 80th birthday

Constantino Tsallis

Peter Turchin, faculty member at the Complexity Science Hub

Peter Turchin

Sander Van Der Leeuw

Kjartan van Driel, PhD candidate at the Complexity Science Hub

Kjartan van Driel

Albert van Jaarsveld

Alipasha Vaziri

Alessandro Vespignani

Hillary Vipond

Hillary Vipond

Andrea Vismara, PhD Candidate at the Complexity Science Hub @ Anja Böck

Andrea Vismara

Irena Vodenska @ private, presents at Econophysics Colloquium 2024 at Complexity Science Hub

Irena Vodenska

Ana Vranković Lacković

Gordana Vujovic © private

Gordana Vujović

Angelo Vulpiani

Johannes Wachs

Fabian Wagner

Ben Wagner

Claudia Wagner

Dashun Wang @ private, at the Complexity Science Hub

Dashun Wang

Jonas Wassmer

Jürgen Wastl is member of the Associate Faculty at the Complexity Science Hub

Jürgen Wastl

Rupert Way

Rupert Way

Viktoria Weber

Geoffrey West

Karoline Wiesner

Michael Wimmer

Verena Winiwarter

David H. Wolpert

Nico Wunderling

Arthur Matsuo Yamashita Rios de Sousa @ private, speaker at Econophysics Colloquium 2024 at Complexity Science Hub

Arthur Matsuo Yamashita Rios de Sousa

Liuhuaying Yang, faculty member at the Complexity Science Hub

Liuhuaying Yang

Pamela Yeh

Peter Yen @ private, presents at Econophysics Colloquium 2024 at Complexity Science Hub

Peter Yen

Yian Yin

Hyeijn Youn @ private, speaker at the Econophysics Colloquium 2024 at the Complexity Science Hub

Hyejin Youn

Andrea Zaccaria @ private, speaker at the Econophysics Colloquium 2024 at the Complexity Science Hub

Andrea Zaccaria

Leonardo Zavojanni

Giacomo Zelbi joined the Complexity Science Hub in March 2024 © Anja Böck, CSH

Giacomo Zelbi

Filippo Zimmaro

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