Christian Kühn

Christian Kühn has been assistant professor for multiscale and stochastic dynamics (Lichtenberg Professorship) at the TU Munich since 2016 and External Faculty member of the Complexity Science Hub Vienna since 2017.

After studying mathematics at Jacobs University Bremen and at the University of Cambridge, Christian received his PhD in applied mathematics from Cornell University in 2010. Subsequently he worked at the Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems in Dresden as a postdoctoral researcher in the field of network dynamics. From 2011 to 2016 he was postdoctoral fellow at Vienna University of Technology at the Institute for Analysis and Scientific Computing and a Leibniz fellow at MFO in 2013.

Christian’s research interests lie at the interface of differential equations, dynamical systems and mathematical modelling. A key goal is to analyze multiscale problems and the effect of noise/uncertainty in various classes of ordinary, partial, and stochastic differential equations as well as in adaptive networks. The phenomena of Christian’s central interest are patterns, bifurcations and scaling laws. On a technical level, Christian’s work aims to build bridges between different areas of the study of dynamical systems.

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