Societies Under Stress

Societies in Transition

Metabolism of Societies

E. Dervic, K. Ledebur, S. Thurner, P. Klimek
Scientific Data
O. Teutloff, J. Einsiedler, O. Kässi, F. Braesemann, P. Mishkin, R.M. del Rio-Chanona
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization
V.D.P. Servedio, A. Bellina, E. Calò, G. De Marzo
Journal of Physics: Complexity
C. Carpentier-Desjardins, M. Paquet-Clouston, S. Kitzler, B. Haslhofer
Journal of Cybersecurity
Explore how migrant journeys differ across the top 20 countries of origin, and gain valuable insights into their experiences in Austria.
Explore the complexities of Chinese names and their Hanyu Pinyin transliteration, which can create ambiguity, even for native speakers.
Transform findings from the Heat, Health, and Habitat research into sound, revealing the impact of rising temperatures on heat stress and mortality.