Francesca Tria

Francesca Tria is a researcher in the Physics Department of University of Rome Sapienza. She got her degree in physics at Sapienza University of Rome and her PhD in physics at the University of Naples Federico II. She spent two years as a post-doc at the ICTP Institute in Trieste before moving at the Institute for Scientific Interchange (ISI) in Turin.

Francesca’s research activity covers different areas of statistical mechanics and physics of complex systems, with a particular focus on interdisciplinary applications. In particular, she worked on the one hand on biologically related problems, such as evolutionary dynamics and phylogeny reconstruction, and on the other hand on complex systems approaches to social phenomena, such as language evolution, opinion dynamics and learning. In recent years she focused on problems related to innovation dynamics, where her work has been covered by Italian as well as international press, such as Wired, The Washington Post, MIT Technology review.

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