Hannah Schuster

Former Researcher

Hannah Schuster was a PhD candidate at the Complexity Science Hub from December 2021 through November 2024. Hannah is pursuing her PhD in Economic and Social Sciences at the Economical University of Vienna.

Hannah’s main research interests are centered around mathematical modeling and data analysis. Currently, she is working on the project “Crisis Response and Intervention Supported by Semantic Data Pooling”, which aims to address the challenges of disaster and crisis management in a data-driven manner.

She received a bachelor’s degree in technical mathematics and a master’s degree in biomedical engineering from the Technical University of Vienna. In her master’s thesis, titled “Finding the Homeostatic Set Point of the Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Thyroid Axis with Different Modelling Approaches”, she analyzed different methods to calculate the hypothalamus-pituitary function, which is needed to calculate the homeostatic set point. Furthermore, the derived function has been validated with a medical data set from the Medical University of Vienna.


Transform findings from the Heat, Health, and Habitat research into sound, revealing the impact of rising temperatures on heat stress and mortality.

An interactive map for exploring the Heat (Stress) Index in Austria.

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