Yessica Herrera-Guzman

Yessica Herrera is a social scientist exploring the art world as a complex system. She conducts her research at both the Barabasi Lab and NICO. She also collaborates at the Computational Research in Social Science Laboratory and is part of the evaluators committee at Faro UDD.

With projects funded by the Mexican National Council of Science and Technology, she has investigated the effects of psychological stress on bodily expressions and its influence on the visual perception of dance performances. Her doctoral research is rooted in the use of network science and data-driven methodologies to understand the network effects on gender inequalities and career success in ballet.

In addition, Yessica is a communications professional specializing in engaging broad audiences with science and the arts. Her experience in the higher education sector has been awarded three times by the Mexican National Association of Universities and Higher Education Institutions for her innovative work in Science Communications, including one distinction in the category of Best TV Show.

She is a certified Yoga Alliance Instructor, a trauma-informed Stråla Guide, and an active member of Generation J of the Joffrey Ballet.

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