Jula Lühring

Jula Lühring, PhD candidate at the Complexity Science Hub © CSH

Jula Lühring is a PhD candidate in the EMOMIS (Emotional Misinformation) project with Annie Waldherr, Professor of Computational Communication Science at the University of Vienna, as well as David Garcia and Hannah Metzler, both affiliated with the Complexity Science Hub.

Jula has already participated in research assessing the impacts of misinformation during her research Master’s in Communication Science at the University of Amsterdam. Upon graduation, Jula has expanded on her background in the Computational Social Sciences and worked as a research assistant at the Complexity Science Hub.

Jula’s interests are still centred around the implications of a misinformed public sphere. In her PhD project, she will explore the interplay of emotional and social dynamics in the diffusion of misinformation in the digital information ecosystem and simulate socio-technological interventions.

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