Beate Conrady

Beate Conrady (birth name: Pinior) has been affiliated to the CSH since May 2020. For eight years, Beate was head of the working group Epidemiology and Animal Health Economics at the University of Veterinary Medicine in Vienna. In April 2021 she moved to the Department of Veterinary and Animal Sciences at the University of Copenhagen where she has been appointed as associate professor for Infectious Disease Epidemiology and Animal Health Economics.

Beate got her PhD in 2013 (as one of the youngest scientists at the University of Bonn) with the main focus on computational disease spread models relevant for the Veterinary Public Health sector. She has received her Venia docendi (“Habilitation”) in Veterinary Public Health at the Vetmeduni Vienna.

Previously Beate worked at the Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut, Institute of Epidemiology and Institute of Animal Science at the University of Bonn, as well as the Institute for Food and Resource Economics in Germany.

Beate was and is a member of international committees and performed consultancy work such as for the European Food Safety Authority EFSA (Italy), the Austrian Government, the Scientific Committee of the Med-Vet-Net-Association in Europe; the DISCONTOOLS group, and different private companies focusing on infectious disease epidemiology.

Her research focuses on the implementation of effective and efficient prevention and/or intervention measures against infectious agents with special emphasis on using and developing modern mathematical and economic models. She gave numerous invited scientific talks on this topic over the past years and won more than 11 scientific awards for her work.

Beate has published more than 60 articles in prestigious journals and serves as editor and reviewer for various journals. She has led and participated in consortia attracted funding for research on relevant topics for more than 7.5 million Euros, with their own raised third-party funds of more than 1 Mio Euro.

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