Building Critical Mass at the Complexity Science Hub Vienna— Establishing and Expanding Complexity Science in Austria


The prime goal of this project is to further expand and establish the Complexity Science Hub Vienna (CSH) as a leading Centre of Complexity Science in Austria and Europe. We plan to establish four new research groups that will be complementary to, and mutually beneficial for the existing groups at the CSH, and that will lead toward the CSH reaching critical mass and further international visibility. The new groups will cover the novel and emerging fields of the

  • science of novelty and innovation,

  • science of social complexity and collapse,

  • science of cities, computational social science of cooperation, and

  • foundations of complexity, the latter reflecting the need to develop new mathematical tools and algorithms for handling and understanding Complex Systems.

With this project, we will attract and keep exceptional talent in Austria that, at the forefront, can handle and anticipate the needs associated with the ongoing digitalization, and can generate usable knowledge from Big Data, not only by applying AI, and machine learning techniques, but also—in addition—obtain a deeper level of understanding Complex Systems at a fundamental level that is necessary to eventually be able to manage them. The project will further build and strengthen a new tradition of truly interdisciplinary, collaborative work between Austrian universities, institutions, and users in industry.


01.09.2019 – 
Stefan Thurner @ Franziska Liehl, President of the Complexity Science Hub

Stefan Thurner

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