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Publikationstätigkeit und Rezeption der Wiener universitären Medizin im internationalen Kontext

The paper shows (i) the disastrous effects of the political developments of the 1930s and 1940s, which lead Vienna from a once world-leading position to marginality; (ii) a publication process of catching up with the world leaders which continues to this day and has been achieved in some disciplines; (iii) the transition to English as the language of publication; (iv) changes in inter-university cooperation networks, especially their explosive densification since 2000; (v) the historical changes in the composition of disciplines and the increasing international relevance of Viennese institutes; (vi) the mobility of authors to and from Vienna, which is discussed in an international context.

All analyses are based on the publication database Dimensions.ai.


Tobias Reisch, Márcia Ferreira, Stefan Thurner, “Publikationstätigkeit und Rezeption der Wiener universitären Medizin im internationalen Kontext. Eine scientometrische Darstellung 1930 bis 2020“, in: B. Nemec et al. (eds.), Medizin in Wien nach 1945 – Strukturen, Aushandlungsprozesse, Reflexionen. Vienna University Press (2022) 185–211

Tobias Reisch © Verena Ahne

Tobias Reisch

Stefan Thurner @ Franziska Liehl, President of the Complexity Science Hub

Stefan Thurner

Márcia R. Ferreira

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