Willliam Schueller © Verena Ahne

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William Schueller

Willliam Schueller © Verena Ahne

William Schueller is a PostDoc at the Complexity Science Hub, studying systemic risk in the food supply chain of Austria and in Open Source Software ecosystems. He has responsibilities in several projects as a data engineer, and has experience in IT system administration.

William studied physics at the École Normale Supérieure de Lyon, with a master’s thesis focusing on ant behavior models. After teaching maths and physics for two years at Galatasaray University in Istanbul, Turkey, William did his PhD in computer science at Inria Bordeaux, France, including an extended stay at Universita Sapienza di Roma to work with Vittorio Loreto.

In his PhD, William introduced active learning mechanisms in multi-agent models, and showed that they can represent a key feature in controlling local complexity growth. A small user experiment in the form of an online game showed that human behavior may follow such rules.

William’s research interests include language evolution, supply chain networks and collaboration networks in software engineering. William has a strong focus on improving reproducibility of science via the promotion of good coding habits and open-source.

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