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Ozone and Carbon Monoxide Dataset Collected by the OpenSense Zurich Mobile Sensor Network

This dataset contains ozone (O3) and carbon monoxide (CO) concentration measurements collected by the OpenSense (http://www.opensense.ethz.ch) mobile senor network over the course of 4.5 years (2012/02-2016/09). The sensors are mounted on top of 10 streetcars in the city of Zurich, Switzerland.

In particular, the dataset contains:

    1. Ozone (O3) data: 2012/02 – 2016/09 (19.9 Mio samples)


    1. Carbonmonoxide (CO) data: 2014/03 – 2016/09 (49.7Mio samples)



B. Maag, D. Hasenfratz, O. Saukh, et al. Ozone and Carbon Monoxide Dataset Collected by the OpenSense Zurich Mobile Sensor Network, Zenodo

Olga Saukh

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