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Explaining population booms and busts in Mid-Holocene Europe

Archaeological evidence suggests that the population dynamics of Mid-Holocene (Late Mesolithic to Initial Bronze Age, ca. 7000–3000 BCE) Europe are characterized by recurrent booms and busts of regional settlement and occupation density. These boom-bust patterns are documented in the temporal distribution of 14C dates and in archaeological settlement data from regional studies.

We test two competing hypotheses attempting to explain these dynamics: climate forcing and social dynamics leading to inter-group conflict. Using the framework of spatially-explicit agent-based models, we translated these hypotheses into a suite of explicit computational models, derived quantitative predictions for population fluctuations, and compared these predictions to data.

We demonstrate that climate variation during the European Mid-Holocene is unable to explain the quantitative features (average periodicities and amplitudes) of observed boom-bust dynamics.

In contrast, scenarios with social dynamics encompassing density-dependent conflict produce population patterns with time scales and amplitudes similar to those observed in the data.

These results suggest that social processes, including violent conflict, played a crucial role in the shaping of population dynamics of European Mid-Holocene societies.

D. Kondor, J.S. Bennett, D. Gronenborn, N. Antunes, D. Hoyer, P. Turchin, Explaining population booms and busts in Mid-Holocene Europe, Scientific Reports 13 (2023) 9310.

Daniel Kondor © Alan NG photography

Dániel Kondor

James Bennett (c) Kevin Chekov Feeney, member of the External Faculty

James Bennett

Daniel Hoyer (c) private

Daniel Hoyer

Peter Turchin, faculty member at the Complexity Science Hub

Peter Turchin

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