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Effective and asymptotic criticality of structurally disordered magnets

Changes in magnetic critical behaviour of quenched structurally-disordered magnets are usually exemplified in experiments and in MC simulations by diluted systems consisting of magnetic and non-magnetic components.

In our study we aim to show that similar effects can be observed not only for diluted magnets with non-magnetic impurities but may be implemented, e.g., by the presence of two (and more) chemically different magnetic components as well.

Therefore we consider a model of the structurally-disordered quenched magnet where all lattice sites are occupied by Ising-like spins of different lengths L. In such a random spin length Ising model, the length L of each spin is a random variable governed by the distribution function p(L)._x000D_

We demonstrate that this model belongs to the universality class of the site-diluted Ising model. This proves that both models are described by the same values of asymptotic critical exponents. However, their effective critical behaviour differs. As a case study, we consider a quenched mixture of two different magnets with values of elementary magnetic moments L1=1 and L2=s, and of concentration c and 1−c1, correspondingly._x000D_

We apply field-theoretical renormalization group approach to analyse the renormalization group flow for different initial conditions, triggered by s and c, and to calculate effective critical exponents further away from the fixed points of the renormalization group transformation.

We show how the effective exponents are governed by difference in properties of the magnetic components.

M. Dudka, M. Krasnytska, J.J. Ruiz-Lorenzo, Y. Holovatch, Effective and asymptotic criticality of structurally disordered magnets, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 575 (2023) 170718.

Yurij Holovatch

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