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A Systematic Investigation of DeFi Compositions in Ethereum

The rapid growth of the Ethereum ecosystem since 2020 has been driven by the proliferation of several DeFi protocols [10], which are application-layer programs that provide Decentralized Finance (DeFi) services [1416] such as the exchange of cryptoassets on decentralized exchanges (DEXs) [2715], their lending and borrowing [148], or the creation and trade of related derivative contracts [11].


S. Kitzler, F. Victor, P. Saggese, B. Haslhofer, A Systematic Investigation of DeFi Compositions in Ethereum, In: Matsuo, S., et al. Financial Cryptography and Data Security, FC 2022 International Workshops. FC 2022, LNCS13412, Springer: Cham.

Stefan Kitzler, PhD Candidate at the Complexity Science Hub © private

Stefan Kitzler

Pietro Saggese © Verena Ahne

Pietro Saggese

Bernhard Haslhofer, faculty member at the Complexity Science Hub © Anja Böck

Bernhard Haslhofer

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