Monitoring System der Resilienz des Gesundheitssystems mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Infektionskrankheiten und der österreichweiten strukturellen Kapazitäten

CORONA Monitoring and Resilience

Quantifying the resilience of a healthcare system is of central importance in disaster situations in order to identify and monitor capacity limits and supply bottlenecks. This project aims to develop a systematic, data-driven tool for monitoring, forecasting progress and predicting the structural resources required in such cases. Various data sets will be used. Corresponding agreements with relevant data owners have already been made and are being finalised on an ongoing basis. The results are to be made available to decision-makers as far as possible in the form of interactive websites. Furthermore, an interactive map is to be created with which the current vulnerability of the population can be visualised at district or postcode level. The output of this project should also be the input for modelling the economic impact of the corona crisis and in particular for modelling an optimal restart afterwards.


01.04.2020 – 
Peter Klimek, Faculty member at the Complexity Science Hub

Peter Klimek

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