Siew Ann Cheong

Siew-Ann Cheong, External Faculty at the Complexity Science Hub © private

Siew Ann Cheong studied at the National University of Singapore and graduated in 1997 with a BSc (Hons) degree in physics. He obtained his PhD in theoretical condensed matter physics from Cornell University in 2006. After a year and a half as a postdoctoral associate with the Cornell Theory Center, he joined the Nanyang Technological University as an Assistant Professor in physics and applied physics in 2007. He has been an Associate Professor since 2016. Since 2019 Siew Ann has been a member of the CSH External Faculty.

Siew Ann is interested in understanding the dynamics of complex systems with very many degrees of freedom, from both the modeling and the data perspectives, exploring questions like: What is complex about a complex system? How complex is a complex system? Why is a complex system complex? How does a complex system become complex?

Ultimately, his goal is to develop a computational theory of complex systems, by treating their dynamics as information processing, and discover the underlying logic.

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