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Time evolution of nonadditive entropies: The logistic map

Due to the second principle of thermodynamics, the time dependence of entropy for all kinds of systems under all kinds of physical circumstances always thrives interest.

The logistic map +1=1−2∈[−1,1](∈[0,2]) is neither large, since it has only one degree of freedom, nor closed, since it is dissipative. It exhibits, nevertheless, a peculiar time evolution of its natural entropy, which is the additive Boltzmann–Gibbs-Shannon one, =−∑=1ln, for all values of  for which the Lyapunov exponent is positive, and the nonadditive one =1−∑=1−1 with =0.2445… at the edge of chaos, where the Lyapunov exponent vanishes,  being the number of windows of the phase space partition. We numerically show that, for increasing time, the phase-space-averaged entropy overshoots above its stationary-state value in all cases._x000D_

However, when →∞, the overshooting gradually disappears for the most chaotic case (=2), whereas, in remarkable contrast, it appears to monotonically diverge at the Feigenbaum point (=1.4011…). Consequently, the stationary-state entropy value is achieved from above, instead of from below, as it could have been a priori expected._x000D_

These results raise the question whether the usual requirements – large, closed, and for generic initial conditions – for the second principle validity might be necessary but not sufficient.

C. Tsallis, E.P. Borges, Time evolution of nonadditive entropies: The logistic map, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 171 (2023) 113431.

Constantino Tsallis, External Faculty at the Complexity Science Hub, celebrates his 80th birthday

Constantino Tsallis

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