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Point Divergence Gain and Multidimensional Data Sequences Analysis

We introduce novel information-entropic variables—a Point Divergence Gain ( Ω(lm)α ), a Point Divergence Gain Entropy ( Iα ), and a Point Divergence Gain Entropy Density ( Pα )—which are derived from the Rényi entropy and describe spatio-temporal changes between two consecutive discrete multidimensional distributions. The behavior of Ω(lm)α is simulated for typical distributions and, together with Iα and Pα , applied in analysis and characterization of series of multidimensional datasets of computer-based and real images.


R. Rychtáriková, J. Korbel, P. Macháček, D. Štys, Point Divergence Gain and Multidimensional Data Sequences Analysis, Entropy 20(2) (2018) 106

Jan Korbel

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