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Flexible patterns of information transfer in frustrated networks of phase oscillators

Brain networks are characterized by flexible patterns of pairwise correlations and information exchange between different brain regions. Such dynamic patterns are crucial for an efficient response of the brain to environmental and cognitive demands.

We here propose that the collective oscillations in the brain can provide a mechanism to control dynamical interactions and the exchange of information across brain networks. In particular, we show that the phase difference between oscillatory activities in different brain regions determines the transmission of neural signals.

To further corroborate this, we study a network of coupled oscillators with repulsive couplings and show that the amount of information transfer between the nodes is determined by the phase differences. The emergence of multiple (locally) stable states due to the frustration makes it possible to change the patterns of information transfer between the nodes by means of the switching between different stable states.

Our results indicate that frustration can be the mechanism through which large-scale brain networks control the effective connectivity and the routes for the information transfer between different brain regions.

S. Khatami, E. Bolhasni, M. Perc, A. Valizadeh, Flexible patterns of information transfer in frustrated networks of phase oscillators, Nonlinear Dynamics (2022)

Matjaz Perc

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