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Analogies for modeling belief dynamics

Belief dynamics has an important role in shaping our responses to natural and societal phenomena, ranging from climate change and pandemics to immigration and conflicts. Researchers often base their models of belief dynamics on analogies to other systems and processes, such as epidemics or ferromagnetism.

Similar to other analogies, analogies for belief dynamics can help scientists notice and study properties of belief systems that they would not have noticed otherwise (conceptual mileage).

However, forgetting the origins of an analogy may lead to some less appropriate inferences about belief dynamics (conceptual baggage).

Here, we review various analogies for modeling belief dynamics, discuss their mileage and baggage, and offer recommendations for using analogies in model development.

H. Olsson, M. Galesic, Analogies for modeling belief dynamics, Trends in Cognitive Sciences 2592 (2024).

Henrik Olsson, faculty member at the Complexity Science Hub

Henrik Olsson

Mirta Galesic, faculty member at the Complexity Science Hub

Mirta Galesic

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