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A Distributed Dynamic Event-Triggered Algorithm With Linear Convergence Rate for the Economic Dispatch Problem

With the rapid development of the scale of distributed energy resources, the implementation of distributed algorithms imposes ever-increasing requirements on communication resources.

With the aim of reducing the communication burden required to solve the economic dispatch problem, we here consider three key aspects, namely the amount of information exchanged per broadcast, the broadcast frequency per iteration, and the number of iterations needed to achieve a certain accuracy. The proposed primal-dual based algorithm is integrated with a discrete dynamic event-triggered scheme and enjoys significant advantages in all three mentioned aspects.

We prove that the proposed algorithm converges to the optimal point at a linear convergence rate for suitable operating parameters and for cost functions that are strongly convex and smooth. We confirm the effectiveness and demonstrate the advantages of our approach by means of a set of simulation experiments.

Z. Dong, S. Mao, M. Perc, W. Du, Y. Tang, A Distributed Dynamic Event-Triggered Algorithm With Linear Convergence Rate for the Economic Dispatch Problem,  IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering 1-13

Matjaz Perc

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