Harald Michael Ludwig

Data & Software Engineer
Harald Ludwig, Data & Software Engineer at the Complexity Science Hub

Harald Ludwig has been a Data & Software Engineer at Complexity Science Hub since September 2023.

He is presently engaged in writing his master’s thesis at the Sepp Hochreiter’s Machine Learning Institute at Johannes Kepler University Linz. His thesis is an investigation into the capabilities of neural networks in solving Partial Differential Equations with non-periodic bounding conditions.

Harald completed his bachelor’s degree in Computer Science with a minor in Biology at Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen. During his bachelor studies, he also contributed as a research assistant at the Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Systems and Device Technology IISB, where he was an active member of the Intelligent Battery System Group, focusing on developing deep learning algorithms to assess the state of health of lithium-ion batteries.

His areas of research interest are primarily in artificial intelligence, dynamical systems, and AI for Science (AI4Science).

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