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Art at the Hub – our 7th Artist

Karin Czermak

“Resolving Landscapes”

loca amoena
loca amoena.hiems | Acryl und Pastellkreide auf Leinwand |100 x 100 cm | 2018

Shapes appear, overlap, disappear. Colors intertwine, find each other, replace each other. The results are poetic yet fragmented paintings, that still remain scenically. With „Resolving Landscapes“, Karin Czermak addresses natural areas. In the process of painting Karin resolves, splits and rearranges scenic elements, thus composing fragile art works that represent landscapes made up by abstract color patches.

About the Artists

Karin Czermak studied at the Univeristy of Applied Arts, Vienna at the Master Class for Painting, as well as at the University of Rovaniemi, Finland. She is also holds a Master’s Degree in Social and Cultural Anthropology and a Bachelor’s Degree in Chinese Studies. Karin has been involved in cultural, humanitarian and educational projects worldwide. Her works have featured in exhibitions and publications across Austria.

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