20231218 CSH Grafiken3

Art & Science

Art & Science with Peter Hassmann, Georg Hofer and Fariba Karimi



Art & Science at the Complexity Science Hub with Peter Hassmann, Georg Hofer and Fariba Karimi
Fariba Karimi c Matthias Raddant News Tile 500x500 1


Peter Hassmann is a Viennese photographer, publisher and artist. He studied at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. Peter is well-known for his work with Austrian artists such as Valie Export and Peter Weibel. In 2014, he founded “Arteimago,” a publishing house for visual arts, photography, poetry, and fashion. www.arteimago.at

Georg Hofer is a photographer from South Tyrol (Italy). During his projects in West Africa, he became fascinated by local religions, especially Voodoo. At the current exhibition he shows images from Voodoo markets and events in Togo and Benin. www.georghofer.com


Fariba Karimi (CSH Faculty) is a physicist and computational social scientist. At the Hub, she lead the team “Network Inequality.” In her talk “Diverse Views in Science,” Fariba will investigate the importance of diversity in science. Diversity can lead to new ways of thinking and open up new scientific paradigms and innovations that were previously hidden from us. Improving the participation of under-represented groups is not only fairer—it could also produce better and more innovative research.

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