Resilience and Malleability of Social Metabolism


Crises such as wars, pandemics and climate extremes destabilise global supply chains. But how do they affect resource utilisation, sustainability, inequality and social well-being? REMASS addresses these questions with the help of new approaches to researching societal metabolism, i.e. resource flows, material stocks (for example in buildings and infrastructures) and their services for society. REMASS creates a high-resolution database on societal metabolism. This makes it possible to quantify the resilience of metabolism to disruptions in supply chains using big data approaches in complexity research. REMASS is analysing the shapeability of resource use in three important supply systems (food, housing, mobility) and identifying key actors, decision-making processes and power relations.

REMASS is a cooperative research project under the lead of the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Science (BOKU) and funded by the Austrian Science Fund in the renowned Emerging Fields programme.


01.10.2024 – 
Stefan Thurner @ Franziska Liehl, President of the Complexity Science Hub

Stefan Thurner

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Project Partners

BOKU University
International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis
Vienna University of Economics and Business
University of Vienna
Central European University
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