Takayuki Mizuno

Takayuki Mizuno @ private, speaker at the Complexity Science Hub at the Econophysics Colloquium 2024

Takayuki Mizuno is an associate professor of informatics at National Institute of Informatics, focusing on econophysics, computational social science, network science, and big data applications. He first studied econophysics for online product markets as a lecturer of economic research at the Hitotsubashi University (2007-2010). Afterward, he worked as an associate professor of computer science at University of Tsukuba (2011-2013). Furthermore, he studied econophysics for global economic networks and financial markets as a senior research fellow at The Canon Institute for Global Studies (2009-present). He also studied computational social science for human mobilities as an associate professor at School of Multidisciplinary Sciences, SOKENDAI, the Graduate University for Advanced Studies (2013-present). He received his Ph.D. in Physics from Chuo University.

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