Sebastian Krawczyk

Sebastian Krawczyk, PhD candidate at the Complexity Science Hub © Justyna Pawelska

Sebastian Krawczyk joined the Complexity Science Hub as a PhD candidate in October 2023.

Sebastian holds a double bachelor’s degree in international business management from DHBW Mannheim and Kozminski University and a master’s degree in applied mathematics from Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. He also studied economics with a specialization in mathematical economics at the Warsaw School of Economics.

During his Bachelor studies, he had several internships in the financial sector (Santander, KPMG, Michael / Ström Investments). His master thesis titled ‘Cryptocurrency Price Evolution Analysis in Relation with Complex Social Phenomenons and Network Effects’ was realized during his internship at Laboratoire d’Informatique en Images et Systèmes d’Information in Lyon. The thesis focused on the analysis of financial bubbles in cryptocurrency markets with log-periodic power law singularity models, extended with information from the underlying blockchain of transactions. He also worked on clustering of Bitcoin users based on their past behaviour observable in the blockchain of transactions.

Before joining Complexity Science Hub, he was a research intern at the research centre Blockchain@X at Ecole Polytechnique, where his research focused on network analysis of the Ethereum transactional graph aiming at the description of behavioural motifs and community structure of Decentralized Finance (DeFi) traders.

Sebastian’s research interests primarily focus on empirical analysis of blockchain data, particularly of Decentralized Finance. He aims to gain insights into financial interdependencies among various stakeholders and potential sources of systemic risks in DeFi systems. He currently works with Bernhard Haslhofer and the Cryptofinance research group.

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