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The need for a better map of the global supply network

In recent years, the availability of detailed supply network data has revolutionized economic analysis. These granular maps of the economy promise immense potential for addressing pivotal policy objectives such as mitigating inflation, accurately measuring indirect greenhouse gas emissions, and securing the provision of critical goods.

Until now, supply networks have been predominantly mapped at the national level, highlighting the necessity for coordinated international efforts to more effectively reconstruct supply linkages crossing country borders.

With the anticipated enhancement of global supply network maps in the near future, it is essential to engage in a dialogue about the responsible management and effective use of these data for the greater global benefit.

A. Pichler, C. Diem, A. Brintrup, F. Lafond, G. Magerman, G. Buiten, T. Choi, V. Carvalho, J.D. Farmer, S. Thurner, The need for a better map of the global supply network, SUERF Policy Brief 803 (2024).

Anton Pichler

Christian Diem, Associate Faculty at the Complexity Science Hub

Christian Diem

Alexandra Brintrup

François Lafond

Thomas Choi

J. Doyne Farmer

Stefan Thurner @ Franziska Liehl, President of the Complexity Science Hub

Stefan Thurner

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