Lasmi Marbun

Lasmi Marbun, PhD Candidate at the Complexity Science Hub © Anja Böck

Lasmi Marbun has been a PhD candidate at the Complexity Science Hub since January 2025. As part of the Collective Minds research group, she is conducting research on belief dynamics, studying how beliefs change within a collective.

She holds a Master’s degree in Behavioural and Data Science from the University of Warwick. Her research focused on the conspiracy belief system using a network science approach within the US population, examining how different conspiracy beliefs are interconnected and how network constellations vary across groups. Her undergraduate studies in Psychology at Universitas Indonesia involved an experimental study replicating the illusory truth effect, investigating how repeated exposure to fake news influences people’s perception of its truthfulness.

Beyond academia, Lasmi has worked as a User Experience Researcher, collaborating with diverse, non-academic stakeholders to promote user-centered design. Her experience includes consulting for Indonesia’s Ministry of Education, where she applied quantitative user research methods to develop informed strategies for creating user-centered technology platforms serving over three million teachers.

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