Kat Fowler

Kat Fowler is a 4th-year PhD student in Informatics & Computing at Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff, Arizona, with an emphasis in ecological and environmental informatics. Her research interests are broad, but center around how material resources like water, carbon, and minerals get embodied in infrastructure and trade. She is particularly excited about mapping how these embodied resources create intricate economic and ecologic dependencies between regions (teleconnections). This interdisciplinary topic has led her to study the structure of trade networks and how they alter managed ecosystems like watersheds, grazing allotments, and agricultural land. She is interested in expanding her current research in a few ways. She would love to discuss any of these topics with researchers at CSH: 1) Studying how trade and urban planning strategies/policies change mineral/water/emissions intensities locally, and distally through teleconnections; 2) Focusing more directly on critical minerals for renewable energy transitions; and 3) Linking the impacts of resource use displacement explicitly to equity and environmental justice.

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